Exclusive Sponsored Event
#1 Leisure Activity
Captive Audience
Major Universities Nationwide
Impressions of up to 30 Million
100% Turnkey
HOGAN COMMUNICATIONS provides all promotion, publicity, advertising and administration
Hogan USA » Hogan Communications » Program Elements
Advance Movie Screenings
- Campus Newspaper Advertising
- Campus Radio Station advertising
- E-Mail Blast campus wide
- Press Releases to all Campus Media
- Screening Passes
- Ad Posters (posted throughout each campus)
- Movie Posters (given to all attending-put on walls at home)
- Movie Programs (optional)
- In-Theater signage at the event signage at the event
- Broadcast Commercial air prior to the movie
- Product Sampling
- Product Demonstration
- Product Display on-campus
- Premium item Distribution
- Data Collection (e-mail/phone/address)
- Sweepstakes
- Research
- Direct Mail Screening invitations with on-line RSVP
- Military Market Screenings
- Screeniongs of Television Shows
- DVD Movie or Concert Screenings
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